United States proves to be a major draw.
Some 92% of students from China who gained a doctorate in the United States in 2002 were still in the country in 2007, the highest percentage from any foreign nation. This compares with 62% of all foreign-born PhD recipients for that year. The figures come from a study by Michael Finn at the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education in Tennessee, and appear in the National Science Foundation's Science and Engineering Indicators 2010. Five-year stay rates for students from other countries include 81% for India and 77% for Russia. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of PhDs in either physical or life sciences remained for five years after earning their degrees compared with 51% of those with PhDs in agricultural sciences.
Some 92% of students from China who gained a doctorate in the United States in 2002 were still in the country in 2007, the highest percentage from any foreign nation. This compares with 62% of all foreign-born PhD recipients for that year. The figures come from a study by Michael Finn at the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education in Tennessee, and appear in the National Science Foundation's Science and Engineering Indicators 2010. Five-year stay rates for students from other countries include 81% for India and 77% for Russia. Nearly three-quarters (73%) of PhDs in either physical or life sciences remained for five years after earning their degrees compared with 51% of those with PhDs in agricultural sciences.