February 27, 2010

Hindi Presentation using Beamer

Beamer class is used in latex file (.tex file).So for including hindi we
started with .itx file with the same content as the latex file and
added hindi font paths and itrans text to it.Then we applied itrans to
it.The resultant tex file was could be converted to a pdf file using latex+dvips+ps2pdf.Tex
file with beamer can also be converted to pdf using pdflatex on tex
file.But due to some font path problem it is not recognizing hindi

For the clickable buttons and links to work use xpdf or acrobat reader for the beamer.pdf file.
Increase the zoom percentage (around 200%) for a better view.
For generating pdf:
1)All images used in the presentation and the itx file should be in the same folder.
2)run: itrans -i beamer.itx -o beamer.tex
latex beamer.tex
dvips beamer.dvi
ps2pdf beamer.ps
3)Hindi fonts must be installed in the system to work with itrans.