September 26, 2010

Take note

Your best ideas don’t nec­es­sar­ily come while sit­ting at your com­puter ready to type. They might come while play­ing sport, tak­ing a shower, lying in bed, or enjoy­ing din­ner at a restau­rant. So you always need some­thing to write on to cap­ture the ideas before they float away. For about twenty years I car­ried a lit­tle spi­ral notepad and pen just for this pur­pose.


September 8, 2010

Top 200 world universities

Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings 2009

11Harvard UniversityUS
23University of CambridgeUK
32Yale UniversityUS
47University College LondonUK
5=6Imperial College LondonUK
5=4University of OxfordUK
78University of ChicagoUS
812Princeton UniversityUS
99Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUS
105California Institute of TechnologyUS
1110Columbia UniversityUS
1211University of PennsylvaniaUS
1313=Johns Hopkins UniversityUS
1413=Duke UniversityUS
1515Cornell UniversityUS
1617Stanford UniversityUS
1716Australian National UniversityAustralia
1820McGill UniversityCanada
1918University of MichiganUS
20=23University of EdinburghUK
20=24ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)Switzerland
2219University of TokyoJapan
2322King’s College LondonUK
2426University of Hong KongHong Kong
2525Kyoto UniversityJapan
2629University of ManchesterUK
2721Carnegie Mellon UniversityUS
2828Ecole Normale Supérieure, ParisFrance
2941University of TorontoCanada
3030=National University of SingaporeSingapore
3127Brown UniversityUS
32=30=University of California, Los AngelesUS
32=33Northwestern UniversityUS
3432University of BristolUK
3539Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong Kong
36=34=Ecole PolytechniqueFrance
36=38University of MelbourneAustralia
36=37University of SydneyAustralia
3936University of California, BerkeleyUS
4034=University of British ColumbiaCanada
4143University of QueenslandAustralia
4250=Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneSwitzerland
43=44Osaka UniversityJapan
43=49Trinity College DublinIreland
4547Monash UniversityAustralia
4642Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong
47=45University of New South WalesAustralia
47=50=Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea
49=53University of AmsterdamNetherlands
49=56Tsinghua UniversityChina
5148University of CopenhagenDenmark
52=40New York UniversityUS
52=50=Peking UniversityChina
5446Boston UniversityUS
55=78=Technical University of MunichGermany
55=61Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan
5757Heidelberg UniversityGermany
5869University of WarwickUK
5974University of AlbertaCanada
6064Leiden UniversityNetherlands
61=65University of AucklandNew Zealand
61=55University of Wisconsin-MadisonUS
63=81=Aarhus UniversityDenmark
63=71University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUS
6572Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenBelgium
6675University of BirminghamUK
67=66London School of EconomicsUK
67=88Lund UniversitySweden
6995Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologySouth Korea
70=67Utrecht UniversityNetherlands
70=81=University of YorkUK
7268University of GenevaSwitzerland
73=77Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore
73=60Washington University in St LouisUS
7563Uppsala UniversitySweden
76=58University of California, San DiegoUS
76=70University of Texas at AustinUS
78102=University of North Carolina, Chapel HillUS
7973University of GlasgowUK
8059University of WashingtonUS
81106=University of AdelaideAustralia
8276University of SheffieldUK
8378=Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
8483=University of Western AustraliaAustralia
8554Dartmouth CollegeUS
8683=Georgia Institute of TechnologyUS
87=99=Purdue UniversityUS
87=83=University of St AndrewsUK
89108University College DublinIreland
9062Emory UniversityUS
9186University of NottinghamUK
92=120Nagoya UniversityJapan
92=106=University of ZurichSwitzerland
94137=Free University of BerlinGermany
95=99=University of SouthamptonUK
95=124=National Taiwan UniversityTaiwan
97112Tohoku UniversityJapan
9893=Ludwig-Maximilians University, MunichGermany
99104University of LeedsUK
10078=Rice UniversityUS
101177=University of OsloNorway
10293=Hebrew University of JerusalemIsrael
103=122=Durham UniversityUK
103=113Fudan UniversityChina
10587University of MinnesotaUS
10698University of California, Santa BarbaraUS
10791=Université de MontréalCanada
108=131University of BaselSwitzerland
108=89University of California, DavisUS
108=126Erasmus University RotterdamNetherlands
108=91=University of HelsinkiFinland
112102=University of Southern CaliforniaUS
113129University of WaterlooCanada
114=97University of PittsburghUS
114=114Tel Aviv UniversityIsrael
116111Maastricht UniversityNetherlands
117149Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie Paris VIFrance
118117=Queen’s UniversityCanada
11990Case Western Reserve UniversityUS
120=128Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands
120=105Pennsylvania State UniversityUS
122=147=Freiburg UniversityGermany
122=122=University of Maryland, College ParkUS
124147=City University of Hong KongHong Kong
125124=University of OtagoNew Zealand
126=116Université Catholique de LouvainBelgium
126=140Ecole Normale Supérieure de LyonFrance
12896University of VirginiaUS
129=153University of AberdeenUK
129=110Georgetown UniversityUS
129=121Ohio State UniversityUS
132=109Technion – Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael
132=115University of ViennaAustria
134188=Pohang University of Science and TechnologySouth Korea
135133=Cardiff UniversityUK
136136University of GhentBelgium
137133=University of LiverpoolUK
138=166=Chulalongkorn UniversityThailand
138=144=University of GroningenNetherlands
140101Vanderbilt UniversityUS
141119University of RochesterUS
142214Keio UniversityJapan
143117=McMaster UniversityCanada
144=152University of BathUK
144=227University of BergenNorway
146=179University of Cape TownSouth Africa
146=139Humboldt University of BerlinGermany
148180=Waseda UniversityJapan
149=170=University of CalgaryCanada
149=155=Eberhard Karls University of TübingenGermany
151=159University of Western OntarioCanada
151=203Yonsei UniversitySouth Korea
153144=Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina
154141University of Science and Technology of ChinaChina
155=158Kyushu UniversityJapan
155=183=Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityRussia
155=142Wageningen UniversityNetherlands
158162=Newcastle UniversityUK
159133=Technical University of DenmarkDenmark
160157Tufts UniversityUS
161132University of California, IrvineUS
162170=Lancaster UniversityUK
163174=Indian Institute of Technology BombayIndia
164160Queen Mary, University of LondonUK
165155=VU University AmsterdamNetherlands
166=146University of ArizonaUS
166=130University of SussexUK
168=161University of LausanneSwitzerland
168=143Nanjing UniversityChina
168=224Saint-Petersburg State UniversityRussia
171=186=University of BarcelonaSpain
171=174=Hokkaido UniversityJapan
173127Stony Brook UniversityUS
174=192=University of BolognaItaly
174=173KTH, Royal Institute of TechnologySweden
174=216University of TsukubaJapan
177=195University of AntwerpBelgium
177=200=University of AthensGreece
179137=Texas A&M UniversityUS
180230Universiti MalayaMalaysia
181154Indian Institute of Technology DelhiIndia
182216Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule AachenGermany
183151Rutgers, The State University of New JerseyUS
184207University of KarlsruheGermany
185258University of GothenburgSweden
186=180=University of Colorado at BoulderUS
186=166=University of GöttingenGermany
188186=University of CanterburyNew Zealand
189182Macquarie UniversityAustralia
190150National Autonomous University of MexicoMexico
191=183=Université Libre de BruxellesBelgium
191=194University of ReadingUK
193=192=University of BernSwitzerland
193=170=Indiana University BloomingtonUS
195224Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong Kong
196=177=University of LeicesterUK
196=164Simon Fraser UniversityCanada
198162=Chalmers University of TechnologySweden
199168University of Notre DameUS
200200=University of TwenteNetherlands

Source: QS, published October 1 2009.

© QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd.

September 7, 2010

Где учат на совесть: лучшие школы Харькова

Вторник, 29 Сентября, 2009

«Сегодня» составила рейтинг лучших и худших школ Харькова

Украинский центр оценивания качества образования (УЦ) обнародовал официальные данные независимого тестирования 2009 года. И наша газета вновь проводит собственный анализ его результатов, задавшись целью вывести рейтинги средних учебных заведений первой столицы — гимназий, лицеев, специализированных и обычных школ — по уровню знаний, показанных их выпускниками. Думается, такое исследование будет полезно в первую очередь для будущих поколений абитуриентов и их родителей, которым еще предстоит сделать свой выбор школы. А также для самих альма-матер, которым, несмотря на определенное сопротивление с их стороны, с введением внешнего тестирования придется работать в условиях неформального соревнования по уровню подготовки выпускников. Ведь не секрет, что последний зависит не от технического оснащения кабинетов, а от уровня преподавательского состава. В немалой степени срабатывает и фактор концентрации вундеркиндов в классе, когда все тянутся к верхней планке, а не высмеивают тех, кто корпит над книжками.

ПРИНЦИПЫ РЕЙТИНГА. Наше исследование проводилось по четырем основным предметам тестирования, в которых принимало участие наибольшее количество участников и которые были заявлены вузами как конкурсные на самых популярных специальностях, — украинскому языку и литературе (эти предметы обязательны для всех), истории Украины (51% от зарегистрированных), математике (39%) и английскому языку (12%). Всего, по данным УЦ, на тестирование-2009 зарегистрировался 461 981 потенциальный абитуриент. Но, как известно, каждый участник мог пройти испытание по 2—5 предметам, и потому от разных школ в тестировании по одной и той же дисциплине участвовало разное количество выпускников — от 1—5 до 140—160 человек. Поэтому для объективности мы исключили из выборки те школы, от которых хотя бы по одному предмету из трех основных (украинский, история Украины, математика) было представлено менее десяти человек. Также при рейтинговании по английскому языку не учитывались результаты школ, от которых по этому предмету было менее 10 учеников.

Мы вывели процент тех, кто заработал от 173 до максимальных 200 баллов, т.е. отличников, имеющих реальные шансы поступления на рейтинговые специальности топовых университетов страны (процент участников от каждой школы, которые не набрали минимально необходимые для участия в конкурсе любого вуза 124 балла, был взят из данных УЦ). На основании этих цифр в каждом районе и по каждой дисциплине мы выделили тройки школ-передовиков и школ-аутсайдеров. И плюс к тому, по данным всех районов, мы вывели топ-десятки лучших харьковских школ по каждому из четырех конкурсных предметов.

ОТЛИЧНИКОВ СТАНОВИТСЯ БОЛЬШЕ ПО УКРАИНСКОМУ. Сравнивая результаты тестирования-2009 с результатами прошлого года, можно отметить такие тенденции. Прошлогодние лидеры, т.е. школы, в которых было больше всего детей, набравших высокие балы, сохранили свои позиции, хотя отдельные рокировки все же есть. Например, Харьковский учебно-воспитательный комплекс №45 в прошлом году был явным лидером по знанию украинского языка и литературы (51,72%), в этом году результаты — 51,18. В этом году с этим предметом справились лучше всего Харьковский УВК №169 (59,65), Харьковский частный УВК «Авторская школа Бойко» (56,26) и Харьковская гимназия №6 (54,89). А вот знания истории Украины немного упали, если сравнивать с результатами прошлого года. Так, например, в Московском районе лидером по знаниям этого предмета в школе №123 100% учеников сдали предмет на отлично, да и результаты в 125-й и 124-й школах были такие же. В этом году в ОШ № 123 с отличными результатами — 0 учеников, в 125-й и вовсе сдавали предмет меньше десяти человек, а в № 124 — от 173 до 200 баллов набрало только 25%. 100-процентный отличный результат в этом году не удалось показать ни единой школе города.

Как всегда, радуют достижения в математике. Прошлогодний лидер — физико-математический лицей №27 — не сдал свои позиции и в этом году, результат даже был улучшен: в 2008-м «на отлично» справились 88,57% детей, в этом году — 92,3%. В основной массе школ, которые показали в 2008-ом году отличный результат, количество детей с 173—200 не превышало 66%, в этом году ситуация улучшилась: университетский лицей — 77,77, школа им. Ломоносова №46—74,4, гимназия №47—73,94, лицей «Профессионал» — 73,9.

ДВОЕЧНИКИ ПОДТЯНУЛИСЬ. На фоне увеличения числа отличников есть и некоторое увеличение числа двоечников по украинскому и истории. Возможно, это произошло из-за общего увеличения числа тестируемых, так как по «Условиям поступления 2009 г.» каждый абитуриент должен был иметь 2 сертификата, а не 1, как в 2008-м. Зато подтянулось (на 5—6%) большинство школ, лидировавших в прошлом году по двоечникам, например, в Орджоникидзевском районе. Немного портит общую картину новый тест по английскому, по которому во многих районах процент не набравших минимальные 124 балла зашкаливает за 15%, и даже иногда за 30 %. Правда, сделать вывод, насколько хорошо или плохо владеют ученики английским, сложно: в большинстве случаев рискнули протестироваться меньше 10 человек. С одной стороны, преподаватели говорят, что тесты по английскому слишком сложные, но скорее срабатывает недостаточный уровень подготовки.

ЧАСТНЫЕ. Частные школы, как и в прошлом году, написали тесты лучше обычных школ, но все же слабее, чем государственные лицеи и гимназии. Характерно, что среди их выпускников почти нет двоечников. Да и по отличникам есть высокие результаты, с которыми отдельные школы даже вошли в тройку лидеров рейтинга района. Например, «Авторская школа Бойко» (76,92% отличников по истории и 58,62 по английскому), лицей «Профессионал» (73,9% по математике, 40,73% по английскому и 36,37% по украинскому языку и литературе). Однако большинство частников все же автоматически выпало из нашего рейтинга ввиду того, что на тестирование пришло слишком мало их воспитанников (от 1 до 5 человек). Вероятно, это связано с тем, что в частных школах многие выпускники ориентированы на учебу за границей.

РЕЗЮМЕ. Тестирование-2009 прошло удачнее тестирования-2008: учителя уже набили руку на тестах и смогли лучше подготовить своих выпускников. Как и в прошлом году, самые сильные выпускники — именитых государственных гимназий, лицеев и специализированных школ. Как и прежде, свои глубокие знания харьковские школьники демонстрируют в математике. Собственно, Харьковская область — вторая в Украине по лидерству в наивысших оценках по этому предмету. Например, максимальную оценку 200 баллов по двум предметам (физика и математика) набрал ученик физико-математического лицея. Подкачала в этом году «мова» и иностранные языки — 200 баллов удалось набрать только одному человеку, да и то по французскому языку. По данным Харьковского регионального центра оценивания качества образования, с тестами в этом году лучше всего справились в Дзержинском, Коминтерновском и Киевском районах.

September 6, 2010

A brilliant light source rises in South-East Asia

CERN Courier
Jun 7, 2010

The use of local expertise and a challenging construction site represent just two of the interesting characteristics of a project to build a new 3 GeV light source in South-East Asia.

Et la lumière fut en Asie du Sud-Est

Le NSRRC, le centre national taïwanais de recherche sur le rayonnement synchrotron, a commencé la construction de sa seconde source de lumière synchrotron, nommée Taïwan Photon Source (TPS). À l'instar d'autres programmes de grande envergure, des années de préparation et de processus décisionnels ont été nécessaires pour atteindre cette étape cruciale. Pour respecter les échéances, il a fallu considérablement solliciter du personnel expérimenté qui avait déjà participé à la construction du premier accélérateur du NSSRC, Taiwan Light Source (TLS), en 1983. Ainsi, le projet a su tenir des délais ambitieux et a permis le transfert de connaissances à de jeunes ingénieurs.

The National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC), situated about one hour's drive from Taipei, has begun the construction of its second synchrotron-light source, the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS), with a ground-breaking ceremony that took place on 7 February. Like any other large-scale project, reaching this milestone involved years of preparation and intense decision-making. The project requirements left little room for even small deviations from delivery timetables or for cost increases. To meet its mandate on time, the NSRRC has relied on its experienced staff members, many of whom had previously participated in the construction of the Taiwan Light Source (TLS) in 1983 – the first accelerator at NSRRC. This is allowing the project to meet challenging deadlines and to transfer expertise to younger engineers.

The TPS is a $210 million project involving, at various times, more than 150 staff in charge of design, construction, administration and management of day-to-day operations. The official proposal for the TPS was submitted in 2006 and primary funding was provided by the National Science Council over a seven-year period, with $54 million for civil construction backed by the Council for Economic Planning and Development. Conceptual designs of the major systems were completed in 2009 and key systems are currently under construction. These include the linac, the cryogenic system, the magnets and the RF transmitters.

The TPS will be equipped with a 3 GeV electron accelerator and a low-emittance synchrotron-storage ring 518.4 m in circumference (see table). This will be housed in a doughnut-shaped building, 659.7 m in outer circumference, next to the smaller circular building that houses the existing 1.5 GeV accelerator, the TLS. The dual rings will serve scientists from South-East Asia and beyond who require an advanced research facility for conducting experiments with both soft and hard X-rays.
The storage ring

The TPS storage ring comprises 24 bending sections, 6 long straight sections and 18 short ones. A mock-up of a unit cell representing 1/24 of the storage ring has been constructed to test all systems before mass production, including the 14-m long vacuum pipe, prototype magnets and girders. This mock-up will be useful for evaluating and correcting – if necessary – specific design decisions. It has also served as a case study for the Machine Advisory Committee that reviewed the status of the TPS from technical and scheduling standpoints. One significant benefit gained from such a mock-up is that it allows for the spatial study of components that fit closely together, as well as of the cables and piping.

The vacuum chambers are made of aluminium alloy, based on the merits of lower impedance, lower heat resistance and its outgassing rate. There are two bending chambers per unit cell, each 4 m in length with, in some places, a 1 mm gap to the adjoining sextupole magnet in a bending section. In total there are 48 such units in the storage ring, with walls typically 4 mm thick in the straight sections. The beam pipes are made from aluminium extrusions with two cooling channels on each side. There are also several long vacuum chambers to cope with undulators installed between the magnet poles.

A 14-m long vacuum pipe was produced as part of the 1/24 mock-up. Foreseeable production challenges include the development of machining and cleaning, of welding and cooling systems for the bending-chambers, and of a means to transport the finished product from the assembly site to the TPS storage ring. To minimize the mechanical distortion caused by thermal irradiation of the vacuum chambers, cooling-water channels are attached on both sides of the pipe and where the beam-position monitors (BPMs) are located. To transport the 14-m long vacuum pipe, a "hanger" of equivalent size was built to carry the assembled unit. A successful rehearsal, moving the transportation gear along 8 km of busy streets took place in March. The next step will be to ensure that no damage occurs to the vacuum pipe during the process.

To achieve optimal performance, the TPS accelerator will be mounted on metal girders placed on pedestals that can be adjusted via remote-control. The mock-up has demonstrated the sophistication reached in the design of these girders. Metal girders often suffer from rather low eigenfrequencies compared with concrete girders, especially when heavy magnets are placed on them. The TPS girders, however, are very stiff, which pushes up the eigenfrequencies. Measurements so far are in close agreement with predicted performance.

The TPS is designed for "top-up" operation, which is the standard operation mode in the TLS. The TPS injector complex will consist of a 150 MeV linear accelerator and a full-energy booster that will share the tunnel with the storage ring. Because this is a new facility with a low-emittance injector, the opportunity exists for using pulsed multipole injection, which may have significant benefits for quiet top-up. To allow acceptance tests of the linac before the storage-ring tunnel becomes available, construction work is under way on a bunker that will see future use for a Free-Electron-Laser (FEL) injector test facility.

Each of the 24 achromatic bending sections (unit cells) in the TPS contains 2 dipoles, 10 quadrupoles and 7 sextupoles. A further 168 skew quadrupoles, 1 injection septum-magnet and 4 kicker magnets, bring the total number of magnets to be installed to 629. All of the magnetic cores are made of silicon-steel sheet. The shaping of the iron laminations are made by wire cutting with computer numerical control machines to within 10 μm accuracy and are shuffled to ensure uniform magnetic properties. Accuracy in the magnet assembly is to be controlled to within 15 μm. The upper half of the magnet can be removed to install the vacuum chamber and the whole magnet can be detached without removing the vacuum chamber. The entire design for the magnet was performed in house with prototypes produced during phase I for thorough testing and measurement.

The TPS adopts the KEK approach to superconducting RF (SRF) to cope with future operational modes. Collaboration and technology transfer on the 500 MHz SRF module, as used at KEK for KEKB, is a de facto requirement to ensure the timely development of the SRF modules (including the 1.8 K cryostat for the harmonic SRF modules) and of technology-transfer for a higher-order-mode damped superconducting cavity suited to high-intensity storage rings. Conventional PETRA-type cavities will be considered as an alternative for commissioning in case the SRF cavities are not available in time.
Construction challenges

The complexity and cost of constructing a new accelerator facility adjoined to an existing one is much higher than for one built on undeveloped land. However, to optimize resources and personnel, and the use of common equipment, as well as to allow a versatile research facility for users of both accelerators, the decision was taken to build the TPS at the NSRRC home base.

The site slopes down from south to north and abruptly descends 5 to 10 m at the northern edge, where the TPS will be built. The geology around the site is simple with gravel as the main formation. Ideally, the platform for the storage ring would be created above ground or by digging underground. The first approach is expensive and risks instability in an area known for frequent earthquakes; the latter will magnify the humidity problems in land soaked with rain and may cause a partial, if not total, subsidence of the existing TLS. To keep the civil construction cost within budget, the solution has been to meet both alternatives half way. The TPS storage-ring building will have its floor at the beamline area 12.5 m underground near the south side, and 4 m above ground at the north side. A beamline for medical imaging will be located on the west side next to the busiest traffic of the Hsinchu Science Park, while beamlines demanding nanoscale resolution will be located away from the possible sources of vibration.

Building a new accelerator next to an existing one involves continual challenges. Because the TPS building cuts into the edge of the TLS, the prevention of instability and vibration in the TLS caused by the construction work is a critical issue. To prepare for this daunting task, the NSRRC held workshops on ambient ground motion and civil engineering for the TPS in 2005 and 2008, so as to study the methods and strategic solutions used at other synchrotron facilities. These resulted in mechanical approaches to eliminate or reduce amplification of the floor motion by the girder system for the TPS, while also adding steel piles to prevent the adjacent TLS foundations from gradually crumbling.
Tearing down the walls

Various methods to protect the TLS foundations and building centre on supporting the ground soil with in situ reinforcing and shoring-up the longitudinal sections that are exposed by excavation work. Taking advantage of the fact that the site is mainly of gravel formation, the TLS beam columns were reinforced with additional frames. In addition, seven H-beam, Type-L steel piles, 17.5 m long, were inserted in places where parts of walls of the TLS storage ring previously stood. Each pile was also equipped with a 200 cm × 120 cm × 60 cm concrete beam laid horizontally against the TLS foundations. These piles provide pressure to prevent the TLS from rising through elastic deformation occurring when the suppression disappears as a result of the 10 m-deep excavation.

To meet the target milestone of commissioning by the end of 2013, civil construction and accelerator installation will proceed concurrently. Partial occupancy of the linac building and ring tunnel needs to occur by the beginning of 2012 to meet the installation timetable for ring components. Power and other utilities will be brought in once pedestal paving and the installation of piping and cable trays begins. This will allow the setting up of the booster ring and subsystems in the storage ring. The SRF cavity will be the final component to move in and tests for TPS commissioning will follow accordingly.

With the accumulated expertise from the past, the design of the TPS has been achieved by the NSRRC's own members. With their capability in developing insertion devices for the TLS and systems to cope with their operation established since 1993, the photon energy of the TPS should reach 30 keV. With a maximum brightness of 1021 photons/s/0.1%BW/mm2/mrad2 at 10 keV it will be among the brightest light-sources available.
About the author

Diana Lin and Gwo-huei Luo, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center.

September 4, 2010

10 reasons Ph.D. students fail

The attrition rate in Ph.D. school is high.

Anywhere from a third to half will fail.

In fact, there's a disturbing consistency to grad school failure.

I'm supervising a lot of new grad students this semester, so for their sake, I'm cataloging the common reasons for failure.

Read on for the top ten reasons students fail out of Ph.D. school.

Focus on grades or coursework

No one cares about grades in grad school.

There's a simple formula for the optimal GPA in grad school:
Optimal GPA = Minimum Required GPA + ε

Anything higher implies time that could have been spent on research was wasted on classes. Advisors might even raise an eyebrow at a 4.0

During the first two years, students need to find an advisor, pick a research area, read a lot of papers and try small, exploratory research projects. Spending too much time on coursework distracts from these objectives.

Learn too much

Some students go to Ph.D. school because they want to learn.

Let there be no mistake: Ph.D. school involves a lot of learning.

But, it requires focused learning directed toward an eventual thesis.

Taking (or sitting in on) non-required classes outside one's focus is almost always a waste of time, and it's always unnecessary.

By the end of the third year, a typical Ph.D. student needs to have read about 50 to 150 papers to defend the novelty of a proposed thesis.

Of course, some students go too far with the related work search, reading so much about their intended area of research that they never start that research.

Advisors will lose patience with "eternal" students that aren't focused on the goal--making a small but significant contribution to human knowledge.

In the interest of personal disclosure, I suffered from the "want to learn everything" bug when I got to Ph.D. school.

I took classes all over campus for my first two years: Arabic, linguistics, economics, physics, math and even philosophy. In computer science, I took lots of classes in areas that had nothing to do with my research.

The price of all this "enlightenment" was an extra year on my Ph.D.

I only got away with this detour because while I was doing all that, I was a TA, which meant I wasn't wasting my advisor's grant funding.

Expect perfection

Perfectionism is a tragic affliction in academia, since it tends to hit the brightest the hardest.

Perfection cannot be attained. It is approached in the limit.

Students that polish a research paper well past the point of diminishing returns, expecting to hit perfection, will never stop polishing.

Students that can't begin to write until they have the perfect structure of the paper mapped out will never get started.

For students with problems starting on a paper or dissertation, my advice is that writing a paper should be an iterative process: start with an outline and some rough notes; take a pass over the paper and improve it a little; rinse; repeat. When the paper changes little with each pass, it's at diminishing returns. One or two more passes over the paper are all it needs at that point.

"Good enough" is better than "perfect."


Chronic perfectionists also tend to be procrastinators.

So do eternal students with a drive to learn instead of research.

Ph.D. school seems to be a magnet for every kind of procrastinator.

Unfortunately, it is also a sieve that weeds out the unproductive.

Procrastinators should check out my tips for boosting productivity.

Go rogue too soon/too late

The advisor-advisee dynamic needs to shift over the course of a degree.

Early on, the advisor should be hands on, doling out specific topics and helping to craft early papers.

Toward the end, the student should know more than the advisor about her topic. Once the inversion happens, she needs to "go rogue" and start choosing the topics to investigate and initiating the paper write-ups. She needs to do so even if her advisor is insisting she do something else.

The trick is getting the timing right.

Going rogue before the student knows how to choose good topics and write well will end in wasted paper submissions and a grumpy advisor.

On the other hand, continuing to act only when ordered to act past a certain point will strain an advisor that expects to start seeing a "return" on an investment of time and hard-won grant money.

Advisors expect near-terminal Ph.D. students to be proto-professors with intimate knowledge of the challenges in their field. They should be capable of selecting and attacking research problems of appropriate size and scope.

Treat Ph.D. school like school or work

Ph.D. school is neither school nor work.

Ph.D. school is a monastic experience. And, a jealous hobby.

Solving problems and writing up papers well enough to pass peer review demands contemplative labor on days, nights and weekends.

Reading through all of the related work takes biblical levels of devotion.

Ph.D. school even comes with built-in vows of poverty and obedience.

The end brings an ecclesiastical robe and a clerical hood.

Students that treat Ph.D. school like a 9-5 endeavor are the ones that take 7+ years to finish, or end up ABD.

Ignore the committee

Some Ph.D. students forget that a committee has to sign off on their Ph.D.

It's important for students to maintain contact with committee members in the latter years of a Ph.D. They need to know what a student is doing.

It's also easy to forget advice from a committee member since they're not an everyday presence like an advisor.

Committee members, however, rarely forget the advice they give.

It doesn't usually happen, but I've seen a shouting match between a committee member and a defender where they disagreed over the metrics used for evaluation of an experiment. This committee member warned the student at his proposal about his choice of metrics.

He ignored that warning.

He was lucky: it added only one more semester to his Ph.D.

Another student I knew in grad school was told not to defend, based on the draft of his dissertation. He overruled his committee's advice, and failed his defense. He was told to scrap his entire dissertaton and start over. It took him over ten years to finish his Ph.D.

Aim too low

Some students look at the weakest student to get a Ph.D. in their department and aim for that.

This attitude guarantees that no professorship will be waiting for them.

And, it all but promises failure.

The weakest Ph.D. to escape was probably repeatedly unlucky with research topics, and had to settle for a contingency plan.

Aiming low leaves no room for uncertainty.

And, research is always uncertain.

Aim too high

A Ph.D. seems like a major undertaking from the perspective of the student.

It is.

But, it is not the final undertaking. It's the start of a scientific career.

A Ph.D. does not have to cure cancer or enable cold fusion.

At best a handful of chemists remember what Einstein's Ph.D. was in.

Einstein's Ph.D. dissertation was a principled calculation meant to estimate Avogadro's number. He got it wrong. By a factor of 3.

He still got a Ph.D.

A Ph.D. is a small but significant contribution to human knowledge.

Impact is something students should aim for over a lifetime of research.

Making a big impact with a Ph.D. is about as likely as hitting a bullseye the very first time you've fired a gun.

Once you know how to shoot, you can keep shooting until you hit it.

Plus, with a Ph.D., you get a lifetime supply of ammo.

Some advisors can give you a list of potential research topics. If they can, pick the topic that's easiest to do but which still retains your interest.

It does not matter at all what you get your Ph.D. in.

All that matters is that you get one.

It's the training that counts--not the topic.

Miss the real milestones

Most schools require coursework, qualifiers, thesis proposal, thesis defense and dissertation. These are the requirements on paper.

In practice, the real milestones are three good publications connected by a (perhaps loosely) unified theme.

Coursework and qualifiers are meant to undo admissions mistakes. A student that has published by the time she takes her qualifiers is not a mistake.

Once a student has two good publications, if she convinces her committee that she can extrapolate a third, she has a thesis proposal.

Once a student has three publications, she has defended, with reasonable confidence, that she can repeatedly conduct research of sufficient quality to meet the standards of peer review. If she draws a unifying theme, she has a thesis, and if she staples her publications together, she has a dissertation.

I fantasize about buying an industrial-grade stapler capable of punching through three journal papers and calling it The Dissertator.

Of course, three publications is nowhere near enough to get a professorship--even at a crappy school. But, it's about enough to get a Ph.D.

How to fail a PhD

Research tips

I read an inter­est­ing post today by Matt Might on “10 rea­sons PhD stu­dents fail”, and I thought it might be help­ful to reflect on some of the bar­ri­ers to PhD com­ple­tion that I’ve seen. Matt’s ideas are not all rel­e­vant to Aus­tralian PhDs, so I have come up with my own list below. Here are the seven steps to failure.
1. Wait for your super­vi­sor to tell you what to do

A good super­vi­sor will not tell you what to do. PhD stu­dents are not meant to be research assis­tants, and a PhD is not an extended under­grad­u­ate assign­ment. So wait­ing to be told what to do next will usu­ally get you nowhere.

By the time you grad­u­ate with a PhD, you are sup­posed to be an inde­pen­dent researcher. That means hav­ing your own ideas, set­ting your own research direc­tions, and choos­ing what to do your­self. In prac­tice, your super­vi­sor will usu­ally need to tell you what to do for the first year, but even­tu­ally you need to set the research agenda your­self. By the third year you should cer­tainly know more about your topic than your super­vi­sor, and so are in a bet­ter posi­tion to know what to do next.
2. Wait for inspiration

Sit­ting around wait­ing for great ideas to pop into your ahead is unlikely to work. Most of my best ideas come after a lot of work try­ing dif­fer­ent things and becom­ing totally immersed in the problem.

A good way to start is often to try to repli­cate some­one else’s research, or apply someone’s method on a dif­fer­ent data set. In the process you might notice some­thing that doesn’t quite work, or you might think of a bet­ter way to do it. At the very least you will have a deeper under­stand­ing of what they have done than you will get by sim­ply read­ing their paper.

Research often involves dead-ends, wrong turns, and fail­ures. It’s a lit­tle like explor­ing a pre­vi­ously unmapped part of the world. You have no idea what you’ll find there, but unless you start wan­der­ing around you’ll never dis­cover anything.
3. Aim for perfection

Per­fec­tion takes for­ever, and so stu­dents who are aim­ing for per­fec­tion never fin­ish. Instead they spend years try­ing to make the the­sis that lit­tle bit bet­ter, pol­ish­ing every sen­tence until it gleams. Every researcher needs to accept that research involves mak­ing mis­takes, often pub­licly. That’s the nature of the activity.

Don’t wait until your paper or the­sis is per­fect. Work through a few drafts, and then stop, rec­og­niz­ing that there are prob­a­bly still some errors remaining.
4. Aim too high

Many stu­dents imag­ine they will write a the­sis that will rev­o­lu­tionise the field and lead to wide acclaim and a bril­liant aca­d­e­mic career. Occa­sion­ally that does hap­pen, but extremely rarely. A PhD is an appren­tice­ship in research, and like all appren­tice­ships, you are learn­ing the craft, mak­ing mis­takes, and you are unlikely to pro­duce your best work at such an early stage in your research career.

It really doesn’t mat­ter what your topic is pro­vided you find it inter­est­ing and that you find some­thing to say about it. Your PhD is a demon­stra­tion that you know how to do research, but your most impor­tant and high impact research will prob­a­bly come later.

My own PhD research was on sto­chas­tic non­lin­ear dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions and I haven’t touched them since. It showed I could do high level research, but I’d lost inter­est by the time I fin­ished and I’ve moved onto other things. Few peo­ple ever cite the research that came out of my PhD, but it served its purpose.
5. Aim too low

My rule-of-thumb for an Aus­tralian PhD is about three to four pieces of pub­lish­able work. They don’t have to actu­ally be pub­lished, but the exam­in­ers like to see enough mate­r­ial to make up three papers that would be accept­able in a rep­utable schol­arly jour­nal. Just writ­ing 200 pages is not enough if the mate­r­ial is not suf­fi­ciently orig­i­nal or inno­v­a­tive to be pub­lish­able in a jour­nal. Point­ing out errors in every­one else’s work is usu­ally not enough either, as most jour­nals will expect you to have some­thing to say your­self in addi­tion to what­ever cri­tiques you make of pre­vi­ous work.
6. Fol­low every side issue

Just because you use a max­i­mum like­li­hood method, doesn’t mean you have to read the entire like­li­hood lit­er­a­ture. Of course you will learn some­thing if you do, but that isn’t the point. The pur­pose of a PhD is not so that you can learn as much as you can about every­thing. A PhD is train­ing in research, and researchers need to be able to pub­lish their find­ings with­out hav­ing to be expert in every area that is some­how related to their cho­sen topic.

Of course, you do need to read as much of the rel­e­vant lit­er­a­ture as pos­si­ble. A key skill in research is learn­ing what is rel­e­vant and what is not. Ask your super­vi­sor if you are not sure.
7. Leave all the writ­ing to the end

In some fields it seems to be stan­dard prac­tice to have a “writ­ing up” phase after doing the research. Per­haps that works in exper­i­men­tal sci­ences, but it doesn’t work in the math­e­mat­i­cal sci­ences. You haven’t a hope of remem­ber­ing all the good ideas you had in first and sec­ond year if you don’t attempt to write them down until near the end of your third year.

I encour­age all my stu­dents to start writ­ing from the first week. In the first year, write a series of notes sum­ma­riz­ing what you’ve learned and what research ideas you’ve had. It can be help­ful to use these notes to show your super­vi­sor what you’ve been up to each time you meet. In the sec­ond year, you should have fig­ured out your spe­cific topic and have a rough idea of the table of con­tents. So start writ­ing the parts you can. You should be able to turn some of your first-year notes into sec­tions of the rel­e­vant chap­ters. By the third year you are fill­ing in the gaps, adding sim­u­la­tion results, tidy­ing up proofs, etc.

Why God never received tenure

Research tips

Why God never received tenure

1. He had only one major publication.
2. It was in Hebrew.
3. It had no references.
4. It wasn’t pub­lished in a ref­er­eed journal.
5. Some even doubt he wrote it by himself.
6. It may be true that he cre­ated the world, but what has he done since then?
7. The sci­en­tific com­mu­nity has had a hard time repli­cat­ing his results.
8. He never applied to the ethics board for per­mis­sion to use human subjects.
9. When one exper­i­ment went awry he tried to cover it by drown­ing his subjects.
10. When sub­jects didn’t behave as pre­dicted, he deleted them from the sample.
11. He rarely came to class, just told stu­dents to read the book.
12. Some say he had his son teach the class.
13. He expelled his first two stu­dents for learning.
14. Although there were only 10 require­ments, most of his stu­dents failed his tests.
15. His office hours were infre­quent and often held on lim­ited access moun­tain tops.
16. No record of work­ing well with colleagues.

September 1, 2010

Twenty rules for good graphics

Research tips

One of the things I repeat­edly include in ref­eree reports, and in my responses to authors who have sub­mit­ted papers to the Inter­na­tional Jour­nal of Fore­cast­ing, are com­ments designed to include the qual­ity of the graph­ics. Recently some­one asked on about best prac­tices for pro­duc­ing plots. So I thought it might be help­ful to col­late some of the answers given there and add a few com­ments of my own taken from things I’ve writ­ten for authors.

The fol­low­ing “rules” are in no par­tic­u­lar order.

1. Use vec­tor graph­ics such as eps or pdf. These scale prop­erly and do not look fuzzy when enlarged. Do not use jpeg, bmp or png files as these will look fuzzy when enlarged, or if saved at very high res­o­lu­tions will be enor­mous files. Jpegs in par­tic­u­lar are designed for pho­tographs not sta­tis­ti­cal graphics.
2. Use read­able fonts. For graph­ics I pre­fer sans-serif fonts such as Hel­vetica or Arial. Make sure the font size is read­able after the fig­ure is scaled to what­ever size it will be printed.
3. Avoid clut­tered leg­ends. Where pos­si­ble, add labels directly to the ele­ments of the plot rather than use a leg­end at all. If this won’t work, then keep the leg­end from obscur­ing the plot­ted data, and make it small and neat.
4. If you must use a leg­end, move it inside the plot, in a blank area.
5. No dark shaded back­grounds. Excel always adds a nasty dark gray back­ground by default, and I’m always ask­ing authors to remove it. Graph­ics print much bet­ter with a white back­ground. The ggplot for R also uses a gray back­ground (although it is lighter than the Excel default). I don’t mind the ggplot ver­sion so much as it is used effec­tively with white grid lines. Nev­er­the­less, even the light gray back­ground doesn’t lend itself to printing/photocopying. White is better.
6. Avoid dark, dom­i­nat­ing grid lines (such as those pro­duced in Excel by default). Grid lines can be use­ful, but they should be in the back­ground (light gray on white or white on light gray).
7. Keep the axis lim­its sen­si­ble. You don’t have to include a zero (even if Excel wants you to). The defaults in R work well. The basic idea is to avoid lots of white space around the plot­ted data.
8. Make sure the axes are scaled prop­erly. Another Excel prob­lem is that the hor­i­zon­tal axis is some­times treated cat­e­gor­i­cally instead of numer­i­cally. If you are plot­ting a con­tin­u­ous numer­i­cal vari­able, then the hor­i­zon­tal axis should be prop­erly scaled for the numer­i­cal variable.
9. Do not for­get to spec­ify units.
10. Tick inter­vals should be at nice round numbers.
11. Axes should be prop­erly labelled.
12. Use linewidths big enough to read. 1pt lines tend to dis­ap­pear if plots are shrunk.
13. Avoid over­lap­ping text on plot­ting char­ac­ters or lines.
14. Fol­low Tufte’s prin­ci­ples by remov­ing chart junk and keep­ing a high data-ink ratio.
15. Plots should be self-explanatory, so included detailed captions.
16. Use a sen­si­ble aspect ratio. I think width:height of about 1.6 works well for most plots.
17. Pre­pare graph­ics in the final aspect ratio to be used in the pub­li­ca­tion. Dis­torted fonts look awful.
18. Use points not lines if ele­ment order is not relevant.
19. When prepar­ing plots that are meant to be com­pared, use the same scale for all of them. Even bet­ter, com­bine plots into a sin­gle graph if they are related.
20. Avoid pie-charts. Espe­cially 3d pie-charts. Espe­cially 3d pie-charts with explod­ing wedges. I promise all my stu­dents an instant fail if I ever see any­thing so appalling.