September 24, 2013

Russian slang and colloquialisms

Russian, like most of the world's cosmopolitan languages, is a language full of slang and colloquialisms. Here is a list of some common slang words and colloquialisms in Russian, along with their English equivalents (in American slang,
if possible). Derogatory words are marked with a 'D,' and
rude/offensive words or phrases are marked with an 'X.' Have fun, and
please contact me if you have anything I should add.

  • arbitúra -- college freshmen, frosh
  • Alë, garázh! -- (lit. 'Hello, citizen!') an ironical address or hail
  • alkásh -- a drunk, an alcoholic, an alky D
  • ambál -- a big, strong, stout man.
  • ás'ka -- ICQ

  • bábki -- (lit. 'the little cakes') 'the dough', a necessary monetary amount
  • bábnik -- a womanizer, a philanderer, a 'pimp' (not the real meaning of pimp, but how it's used in slang)
  • bazár -- (lit. 'bazaar') a bullshit session, chitchat
  • bardák -- (lit. whorehouse) a big mess, a shambles, disorder; 'hell has broken loose' or 'the shit hit the fan' X
  • bez bazára -- (lit. without the chitchat) 'no problem'
  • Blin! -- (lit. pancake) Shoot! Darn! Fudge! a G-ratedinterjection
  • bljad' -- bitch, whore, bastard X
  • Bljákha-múkha! -- (lit. 'buckle-fly) Gosh! Gee-whiz! a G-rated interjection expressing suprise or amazement
  • bolván -- a dummy, a blockhead
  • bratán -- man, bro, dude, ese, bra, etc. a form of address expressing solidarity
  • bukhát' -- (lit. to bang, to thunder) to hit the bottle

  • v zádnitse -- (lit. in a butt) in a sticky situation, in a difficult situation, up shit creek
  • v natúre -- (lit. in nature) actually, for real
  • Valí otsjúda! -- (lit. 'fall out of here', more or less) Fuck off! Piss off! X
  • Vásja Púpkin -- John Doe, an 'average Joe'
  • Vsë nishtják!, Vsë puchkóm, Vsë tip-tóp! -- Everything's allright, It's all good; the last one is an obvious borrowing from English
  • vtjúrit'sja -- to fall in love
  • vyezzhát' -- (lit. to enter by vehicle) to dig, to understand. ty vyezzháesh'?
  • 'can ya dig it?'
  • výrubit'sja -- (lit. to be cut down) to zonk out, to fall asleep, to become unconscious

  • gemorróy -- (lit. hemorrhoids) a pig problem
  • gljuk -- a bug, a glitch
  • govnó -- shit, literally, like in the 'I've got shit on my shoe' sense X
  • govnjúk -- (lit. 'shit-man' more or less, I think) a bastard X
  • golubóy -- (lit. light blue) gay (male)
  • Goní bábki -- Give me the dough! / the money!
  • gudét' -- (lit. to hoot, to throb) to 'whoop it up', to 'kick it,' to enjoy oneself

  • Da nu! --- You don't say! Well I'll be! ('nu' is very idiomatic and doesn't really translate literally)
  • Daváy otorvëmsja -- (lit. 'let's break away') 'let's live it up,' 'let's paint the town red'
  • dévushka po výzovu -- a call girl, a phone-in prostitute
  • Délo drjan' -- (lit. 'the matter's trash') 'this don't look so good,' 'things are looking bad'
  • dërganyy -- antsy, jumpy
  • der'mó -- shit, but moreso in the 'oh shit!' and 'don't give me that shit' sense X
  • détka -- baby, as in the tender or ironical form of address to a woman
  • deshëvka -- 'el cheapo,' a low price, a bargain, a steal
  • Dostál(a)! (lit. took, got it) You got me up to here! I'm very annoyed with you!
  • dúra (f.), durák (m.) -- a fool, a moron, an idiot
  • duraká valját' -- (lit. to shape the fool) to play the fool, to mess around, to goof off
  • durdóm -- (lit. fool-house) the looney bin, the funny farm

  • zhmot -- a skinflint, a miser
  • zhmúrik -- (lit. a squinter, more or less) a stiff, a corpse
  • zhópa -- ass(hole) literally, a fiasco, or an asshole as in 'he's an asshole' X
  • zhrat' -- to devour, to gorge, to wolf down

  • Za bazár otvétish’ – (lit. you’ll answer for the loose words) ‘you’ll be held accountable for what you said.
  • zabít' strélku -- (lit. to hit the needle/switch) to make a date/meeting on time, to be 'on the dot'
  • zádnitsa -- (lit. butt, backside) a bad person, a jerk
  • Zakolebál(a). -- like dostal, this means 'you’ve annoyed me.'
  • zanúda -- a killjoy, a party poper, a bore
  • Zatknís'! -- 'shut up,!' 'shut it!'
  • zvezdá -- a star, meaning a celebrity. It's also commonly used
    sarcastically for someone who thinks or acts like they're outstanding
    but aren't; someone who thinks their shit doesn't stink.
  • zélen' -- (lit. greens, green) green bucks, greenbacks, the US Dollar.

  • Inét -- short for Internét, which is self-explanatory
  • iskhodít' sljunjámi -- (lit. 'to emanate with spit,' more or less) to envy, to be eager
  • Ischézni! -- (lit. Disappear!) Get lost! Go away!

  • kayf -- a high, a kick, a buzz, a feeling of euphoria
  • kakát' -- to poo-poo, this is used in children's speech
  • kakáshka -- a turd, a bad person
  • Kakáya zanúda! -- What a bore!
  • Kakógo chërta! -- (lit. what a devil!) What the hell!
  • kalanchá -- (lit. watchtower) a somewhat archaic slang for a tall girl or boy, a beanpole
  • kapústa -- (lit. cabbage) money, cash, cash money
  • Kátit -- (lit. 'It rolls') 'That'll do,' 'That's cool,' 'It suits'
  • kachók -- (lit. jock-strap) a jock, and athlete
  • kláva -- short for klaviatúra, a keyboard
  • klássnyy -- (lit. classy) cool, nice, kickin', as an adjective especially when describing people
  • klëvo -- cool, as a stand-alone word
  • klëvyy -- cool, hot, wicked, gnarly, bitchin, etc.
  • klëvyy muzhík -- a cool cat
  • kléit'sja -- (lit. to stick, to come together) to try to get acquainted
  • kozël -- (lit. billy goat) a loser, a worthless human being, from the phrase ot negó kak ot kozlá moloká, 'from him is like milk from a billy goat,' meaning the guy's as useless as tits on a bull D
  • kolotún -- (lit. from kolot', to chop, to crack and various perfectives, meaning to prick, to stab, etc.) a sharp frost
  • kolót'sja -- (lit. 'to be cracked') to get a fix, to be on drugs, to be tripping
  • kolymága -- a heap, a jalopy, an old vehicle (doesn't necessarily have to be a car)
  • komp -- short for komp'juter.
  • Koncháy bazár. -- (lit. 'End the chitchat') 'Quit yer yappin',' 'Stop talking'
  • Króme shútok -- (lit. 'except for jokes,' more or less) 'no kidding'
  • króshka -- (lit. crumb) baby, little one, a tender or ironic address to a female
  • krúto -- (lit. steep, sharp) this is the most common word for cool, awesome, kickass, etc.
  • krutóy -- the adjectival form of the previous word, pretty much equivalent to 'cool' in English. Interestingly, not so long ago, the word 'sharp' could be used in English to express pretty much the same thing as 'cool.' The the literal meaning of krutóy is 'sharp.'
  • krutóy páren' -- (lit. 'sharp fellow') either means 'cool guy' or 'tough guy'
  • krýsha -- (lit. roof) can mean head or patron (as of an organization), but commonly refers to 'protection' by organized crime.
  • krýsha poékhala -- (lit. the roof is gone) 'blown one's roof,' 'gone crazy'
  • Kudá namýlilsja -- (lit. where were you soaping up to go?) 'Where do you think you're going?'

  • lípa -- (lit. lime, lime tree) a fake, an imitation, a forgery, a phony
  • lípovyy -- (lit. lime, lime blossom) adjectival fake, imitation, phony, fugazi
  • lokh -- a sucker, a klutz
  • ljubopýtnaya Varvára -- (lit. curious Barbara), a nosy person, a curious George
  • ljásy tochít' -- (lit. to sharpen (if anyone knows the literal meaning of ljasy, I'd appreciate if you could help me) to chew the fat

  • mat' -- (lit. mother) ironical form of address to a woman, like in English we say 'one hot mama' or the Spanish mamacita
  • mácho -- macho, that's one Spanish word that made it all the way into Russian
  • mézhdu námi, dévochkami -- (lit. between us, girls) frankly speaking, between you and me
  • ment -- cop, but not as acceptable of a term as in English, a bit more insulting ... kind of like 'the fuzz', I guess. D
  • mentóvka -- aa police station, 'cop-shop,' 'fuzz station'
  • Menjá nadúli! -- (lit. 'you conned me,' 'you filled me with air')
    You got me! You took me for a sucker!, used when you've been lied to or
    had a joke played on you.
  • Mne v lom -- (lit. 'to scrap metal for me,' but that's iffy...this is highly idiomatic) 'I'm too lazy (to do something)'
  • Mne do lámpochki -- (lit. 'to me it's up to the lightbulb,' I think. Once again, highly idiomatic) 'I don't care,' 'whatever'
  • Mne nasrát', chto ty dúmaesh' -- 'I don't give a shit what you think,''I don't care what you think' D
  • Mne po barabánu -- (lit. 'to me it's by drum,' more or less) -- 'I don't care,' 'whatever'
  • Mne pó figu -- (lit. 'to me it's by fig'... ?) 'It's all the same to me,' 'I don't care,' 'It's all good'
  • mobíla -- cell phone (also mobílnik
  • mýlo -- (lit. soap, used because of phonetic similarities to English 'mail') e-mail program or message
  • mýrma -- a bitch, an unpleasant woman

  • na svoíkh dvoíkh -- (lit. on your own two) on foot, on your own two feet
  • naveselé -- (lit. in the cheer) tipsy, buzzing, a bit drunk
  • naezzhát' (na kogo-libo) -- (lit. to break into someone) to express dissatisfaction, to blame, to point the finger
  • narjádnyy -- fancy, well-dressed, rich
  • na ushákh -- (lit. on one's ears) tipsy, buzzing, a bit drunk
  • Ne berí v gólovu -- (lit. 'don't take it to your head') 'take it easy,' 'don't let it get to you'
  • Ne goní purgú -- (lit. 'don't chase away the snowstorm') 'don't tell lies,' 'be honest'
  • Ne gruzís' -- (lit. don't load youself up) 'Don't worry,' 'Don't take it so seriously'
  • Ne svistí -- (lit. don't whistle) 'Don't lie,' 'Be honest'
  • Ni figá sebé! -- (lit. 'not a fig to itself' ?) Golly! Gosh! Jeez!, expression of suprise
  • ni khrená -- (lit. 'not a horseradish') nothing, nothing of the kind, no
  • nulëvyy -- (lit. from zero, more or less) brand spanking new, mint condition

  • O, klassno! -- man, that's cool!
  • Obaldét' -- (lit. to go crazy) Wow! Golly! Gosh! Jeez!, expression of suprise
  • oblóm -- (lit. broken-off piece) failure of plans and hopes
  • ogryzát'sja -- (lit. to snap) to talk back, to sass, to snap back
  • oy! -- ouch!, also a conversational particle used mainly by women equivalent to 'sheesh' or a sigh
  • ostát'sja s nosom -- (lit. to leave with the nose) to be left with nothing
  • Ostýn' -- (lit. to cool down) 'chill out,' 'calm down'
  • Otvali -- (lit. push aside) 'leave me alone,' 'piss off'
  • otryvát'sja -- (lit. to break away, to tear away) -- to have a wild time, to party hard
  • otstóy -- (lit. sediment) something worthless or disgraceful, rubbish, trash, junk (in the figurative sense)

  • pédik -- a gay guy, a homo (not quite as derogatory as fag, I don't think , if it's necessarily derogatory at all
  • )
  • perdét' -- to fart
  • perdún -- a fart
  • pervodít strélki -- (lit. to transfer the switch/needle) 'to pass the buck,' to put the blame on someone else
  • pértsy -- (lit. peppers) cool guys, 'the guys,' 'the boys'
  • pivásik -- beer, from pivo, beer. So I guess this is kind of like saying 'bizeer' or something to that effect
  • pilít' -- (lit. to saw) to nag, to lecture, to run someone down
  • pit' zapóem -- to drink heavily, to drink like a fish. Interestingly, you can use this zapoem after other verbs, to get that '-aholic' effect, so that on rabótaet zapóem is 'he's works a hell of a lot,' 'he's a workaholic'
  • pod káyfom -- (lit. 'under a high/buzz') high, stoned
  • Poékhali! -- Let's go! Kick it into gear!(like the Spanish vámonos!)
  • póylo -- booze
  • po-ljubómu -- (lit. 'by whatever') 'at any rate,' 'anyways'
  • porót' chush' -- (lit. 'to pick apart the garbage') to get a scew loose, to talk nonsense
  • potrjásnyy -- stunning, striking, smashing, excellent
  • Poshël ty! -- (lit. 'you go away!') 'Fuck off!' 'Bugger off!' 'Piss off!' X
  • prédki -- (lit. ancestors) parents, old man and old lady, folks
  • pridúrok -- a nitwit, a numbskull, a silly foolish person
  • prikíd -- an outfit, a getup
  • Prikín'! -- (lit. 'work it out!') 'Just imagine...'
  • prikól -- (lit. a moor, a mooring) a joke or funny situation, 'funny stuff'
  • prikól'no -- jokingly, comically, funnily
  • priyátel' -- buddy, dude, friend (in Czech this word is the regular word for friend, pøítel)
  • profúkat' -- to lose, to be 'down the drain/down the toilet'
  • psikh -- a psycho, a kook, a nutso, used slangily as in English when someone is being really weird, but not necessarily a sociopath
  • p'yan v stél'ku -- (drunk down to the sole) dead drunk, destroyed, obliterated, shitfaced, plastered, wasted, etc. etc. etc.
  • pjálit'sja (na kogó-to, chegó-to)-- to gawk (at someone or something)

  • rasklád -- state of affairs, situation
  • raskolót'sja -- (lit. to split open) to spill one's guts, to tell the truth
  • raskusít' -- (lit. to bite into) to suss out, to tell someone's secret
  • Rasskazhí éto komú-nibúd' drugómu -- 'Tell it to someone else,' 'Tell it to someone who cares'
  • rasfufýrennyy -- all dolled up, festively dressed
  • rózha -- a mug (as in a face)
  • rubít' kapústu -- (lit. 'to chop the cabbage') to make a quick buck

  • s privétom -- (lit. 'with regards') having or showing a weak mind
  • svóloch' -- a bastard, a dick, a douche D
  • sidét' na iglé -- (lit. 'to be sitting on the needle') to be on the needle, on the horse, on drugs
  • skorefánit'sja -- to make friends
  • Sledí za bazárom! -- (lit. 'watch after the chitchat') -- 'Watch your tongue!'
  • smýt'sja -- (lit. to wash off) to slip away, to slip through one's fingers
  • sortír -- the shithouse, the shitter, the john, the toilet, the crapper
  • stáryy perdún -- old fart, geezer
  • stvol -- (lit. a gun barrel, a tree trunk) a weapon, an arm, a piece
  • stróit' glázki -- to make eyes at someone, to flirt with the eyes
  • súka -- a classic four-letter word, it means bitch, bastard, etc. X
  • sygrát' v yáscik -- (lit. to play the box/trash bin) to kick the bucket, to snuff it, to die

  • táchka -- (lit. wheelbarrow) a car, a ride
  • Tvoyú mat'! -- (lit. 'Your mom!') Goddammit! Sonofabitch! (not quite as bad as 'fucking shit!') X
  • télik -- the idiot box, the boob tube
  • tëlka -- a heifer, a fat chick D
  • tórmoz -- (lit. brake, obstacle) a dummy, someone who's 'a bit slow'
  • torchát' -- (lit. to stick up, to stick out) to get delighted, to enjoy something greatly, to turn on (non-sexual)
  • trávka -- (lit. diminutive of 'grass,' travá) grass, weed, pot, marijuana
  • trakhát'sja -- (lit. to bang on something) to bang, to fuck, to nail, to do someone X
  • trepló -- (I think it's from trepát', to blow about, but I'm not sure) a bigmouth, a blabbermouth
  • tusóvka, túsa -- a hangout, a party, a place where young people gather
  • tuftá -- nonsense, trifle
  • Ty menjá dostál! -- 'You got me up to here! (most literal)' 'I'm sick and tired to you'
  • tjurjága -- to clink, the slammer, jail, prison (tjur'má is the real word fro prison)

  • Fíga s dva -- (lit. 'of a fig with two,' more or less...highly idiomatic) 'Nothing of the kind!'
  • fignjá -- (the word is from fíga, fig) -- nonsense, bullshit
  • fingál -- a shiner, a black eye
  • físhka -- (lit. a chip) exclusive information, the scoop
  • fonár' -- (lit. a lamp, a torch) a shiner, a black eye

  • khavát' -- to have a meal, to eat, to grab some grub
  • khávchik -- grub, chow, food
  • khaltúra, khaltúrka -- work on the side, moonlighting
  • khaljáva -- a freebie, something free of charge
  • khaljávscik -- a freeloader, a mooch
  • khren -- (lit. horseradish) a dick, a crank, a schlong. This word is used in place of the more obscene khuy, cock X
  • khrenóvo -- (lit. horseradishly) crappily, lousily, suckily, not well, badly

  • cháynik -- (lit. tea kettle, teapot) a newbie, a beginner, green
  • Chërt voz'mí! -- (lit. 'Devil take (me)') 'Dammit!' 'Oh shit! 'Jesus H Christ!,' expressing anger or annoyance
  • Chërt poberí -- same as above
  • Chërt! -- (lit. Devil!) Damn! Hell!, expressing anger or annoyance
  • chërtov -- (lit. 'of devils') goddamn, fucking, cursed, bloody, as an adjective
  • chëtkiy -- (lit. clear, precise) neat, cool
  • choknútyy -- barmy, crazy, screwy, dotty
  • Chto ty nesësh'? -- 'What are you drivelling about?'
  • chuvák -- buddy, kiddo
  • chush' -- garbage, rubbish, lies, worthless or stupid ideas
  • chush' sobách'ya -- (lit. dog mess/crap) -- bullshit X

  • shárit' -- (lit. to grope, to sweep) to have a good understanding of something
  • Shevelís' -- (lit. to stir, to move) 'Shake a leg!' 'Move it!'
  • shirját'sja -- to shoot up, to get a fix, to inject drugs
  • shíshka -- (lit. pine cone, shishka) a big shot, a VIP, someone of great importnace
  • shmótki -- clothes, getup, duds
  • shnúrki v stakáne -- (lit. the lace is on the glass) teen slang from the eighties meaning 'the parents are at home'
  • shtúka -- (lit. item, thing) 1000 roubles

  • Ya v osádke -- (lit. 'I'm in the sediment') 'I'm shocked,' 'I'm suprised'
  • Ya ne vyezzháyu -- I don't dig it, I don't get it, I don't understand
  • yáytsa -- (lit. eggs) balls, nuts X
  • yáscik -- (lit. trash bin) idiot box, boob tube, TV set